Free Key logger intercepts everything that is typed on keyboard, monitors clipboard changes and all internet navigation. It collects this information to secret reports on a hard drive, so you can view it later. This program is invisible for everyone except you. Just press special hot key to unhide it. Do people have secrets? Discover now.
At first, this is the most popular free keylogger on a market during the many years. What is the secret? It is VERY easy to use: one small window with several controls. Although it is a quite effective and powerful.
This software will be suitable for parents who want to protect their children from online dangers. Also, it may be used as a text recovery tool. And finally, users can use it to catch cheating spouse.
Android Keylogger – 2014 Best Keylogger App for Android
Mobile Spy Android Keylogger Overview
The Mobile Spy Android Keylogger is a software program that can be installed onto a mobile phone that you wish to monitor. This device is great for those individuals that are paying for a mobile phone plan and feel like either their children or their employees are abusing their calling and texting privileges or are concerned that they are using their phones for inappropriate activities.
The features of Mobile Spy software will allow employers to enforce the mobile phone policy. As an employer, if you have provided your employees with a mobile phone to use for work purposes only, it is important to make sure that they are using their phones for just that purpose.
An administrator of the office can be placed in charge of putting the Mobile Spy software on to each of the company phones. One account can keep track of several employee phones. The software will keep track of text messages, GPS locations, and call information, and much more. The program runs silently and logs are sent directly to the private mobile spy account that has been created.
For parents, knowing what your teen is up to is very important. Mobile Spy will allow you to keep track of your teen wherever they are. Even if your teen is deleting messages and calls, the software will still keep track of it and record it into your Mobile Spy account.
How To Choose The Best Android Keylogger
When it comes to choosing the best Android Keylogger there are several features that should be considered. The most important thing to consider is whether or not the keylogger is compatible with the phone that it is to be used on.
The type of keylogger that is chosen will also depends on what type of monitoring functions that you need. Companies may want to consider a program that will allow you to monitor more than one phone at a time. A parent on the other hand will just need to monitor the phone of their child/children.
The best keylogger for android will be able to run completely in stealth mode. After it is installed it should not show up in the start-up icons or anywhere else on the phone that is being monitored. In addition, it should be able to work independently, meaning that it does not use the phone’s history of calls and messages for the reports. This means that even if the user deletes the history, you will still be able to get the information from the phone. With Mobile Spy, you can do all these things and more.
Other important features to consider when choosing the best android keylogger are:
- Access to all text messages
- Website monitoring
- Location tracking
- Remote control
Mobile Spy Key Features
Both parents and employers have the right to be concerned about how mobile phones that they pay for are being used. Mobile Spy offers a unique way to find out exactly how the phones are being used.
Some of the features of this program include:

- Smartphone Interface: the program is loaded into the phone that you are going to monitor. It will remain silent unless you activate the program to change the settings.
- Online Control Panel: you will be able to log in to the account that you set up from any phone web browser or personal computer.
- Live Control Panel: This option can be added on and will allow you to view the mobile phone screen and the location of the phone at any time. In addition, this feature allows you to perform control commands remotely and to get information from the phone instantly.
- Website Log: every website that is visited is recorded
- Gmail log: you will be able to see Gmail messages along with date, to/from addresses, subject and full text.
- Phone Usage: every activity performed on the android phone is recorded along with the amount of time spent on each.
- Video and Photo Log: all videos and photos taken with the phone are recorded
- Call History Logging: the software records all inbound and outbound calls
- Text Message Logging: each text message that is sent or received by the phone will be recorded.
- GPS tracking: the GPS coordinates are captured by the software and displayed on a map. This allows the user to know exactly where the phone is at all times.
- YouTube: the software will record all videos watched on YouTube through the phone
- WhatsApp Logging (New): Mobile-Spy will log all WhatsApp Chats sent and received on the monitored android phone.
- Messenger Chat Logging (New): records messenger logs from, Yahoo, BlackBerry Messenger (BBM), Gtalk, Windows Live, and AOL.
- Record Surroundings (New): you can turn the phone’s microphone into a listening device and you can hear exactly the sounds within the vicinity of the phone.
- Stealth Camera (New): this feature allows you to view the monitored phone’s surroundings by remotely commanding the camera to take a secret picture.
- Keylogger Monitoring Feature (New): Mobile Spy has added a new keylogger feature that allows you to view the keystrokes typed on your child’s or employee’s Android smartphone or tablet. From your online control panel, you can see a date/time stamp, which app was being used at the time, and all keystrokes typed into that application. This feature is also available for iPhone and iPad.
In addition, you will be able to see all of the contacts that are entered on the phone and each new contact that is added. The amount of time that is spent on social media sites will also be recorded.
Here are some screenshots of mobile spy online control panel
Click an image to view in full size
- $99.97 USD for a 12 month license
- $69.97 USD for a 6 month license
- $49.97 USD for a 3 month license
When you purchase a 12 month license, you’ll receive SniperSpy PC keylogger software for FREE (Includes view LIVE screenshots and LIVE keystrokes, monitor Facebook, remote installation & more)
How to Use Mobile Spy
Mobile Spy is easy to use. This software service allows you to monitor any type of smartphone in real time. The system will record the activity of anyone that uses your android, iPhone, Blackberry, Symbian OS, or Window mobile phone.
- The first step is to buy the software. When you order the software you will need to acknowledge that you own the device that you are going to set up the program on. The software should not be used for illegal purposes. If you are qualified, simply go on to the order page and finish the sections and sign the agreement. You will then put in your information for billing and complete your order.
- The second step is to download the mobile spy software. Once your order is completed you will be sent a registration code to your email. This code can be used to register the account. You will create a username and a password for the account that the phone logs will be stored in. There is also going to be a link for downloading the program. There will be instructions on how to complete the installation based on the type of phone that you are going to be monitoring. Once the software is downloaded onto the mobile phone, you will then need to use the installer file. The software will be installed in full stealth mode. There is no icon of the software that will appear on the phone or any other piece of information to show that the software has been installed onto the phone.
- The third step to use the mobile spy android keylogger is to adjust the settings of the program. The software is hidden from the android phone user. You will be responsible for notifying the phone user that it is being monitored. There are key sequences that can be used to bring the interface up. The settings can be changed using this program.
There are instructions within the order email that will tell you how to get the interface up. You can then select which connection will be used to upload logs as well as the types of activities that are going to be monitoring. Once the monitoring has been set up it will continue to be active from then on. All activities that are conducted on the phone will be recorded and then quickly uploaded to the account that you have set up.
Your account can be accessed from any type of web browser that you have access to. Simply bring up the login page and then enter the username and password that you chose when creating the account. All log entries are split into categories located on the left hand side of the screen. Click on what you want to look at and begin viewing.
(Mobile Spy supports Android OS version 1.5 and above)
Mobile spy android keylogger offers help and support through an online support centre. It is possible to speak with an online chat representative or to call technical support if you are having trouble with the software.
If you are having trouble determining which mobile spy version to use with your Android phone, you can determine what type of operating system your phone is using by going to the settings menu and then clicking on the about phone tab. Scroll to where the firmware version field is located, which is the system that is on the phone.
When setting up the software you will be able to bring up the interface for your Android device by dialling 12345# and then hitting send. This number will be dialled by the phone and then the interface will show up.
It is possible to remove the mobile spy software from your device when you want or need to. In order to uninstall the program you will go to the settings menu on the phone and locate the field labelled applications. In the applications menu you will click on the manage applications and find the appropriate entry, either the GPS settings, Android Toolkit, or Smartphone for the mobile spy software. Click on the right one and then click the uninstall tab.
If you have any other questions or issues with mobile spy you can call the support number or create a support ticket.
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