Earbits Radio - Free Music

Listen to free online radio with no ads or commercials. Discover the best new music and stream it from all over the world.
Earbits is a new breed of free internet radio. Unlike Pandora, Spotify and others, Earbits is 100% commercial free online radio. Yes, you've read it right, there's no need to find out how to block ads and commercials, they simply won't be there. Oh, and there are also no subscription fees or restrictions on how many songs you are allowed to skip. Earbits is available worldwide and makes it easy to listen to free songs on the radio wherever you are. Our team of experts brings you the best independent music, hand-curated and served up hot with all the trimmings. You'll find great high resolution photos, band biographies, live show information, band merchandise, and social features. You are unlikely to find the Top 40 mainstream music that you can get everywhere else. That's not what we do. Our job is to showcase the best new bands and bring you and our artists closer together. You can pick from over 400 genre based stations. From rock, pop, electronic, hip hop, and country, to jazz, classical music, world music, and anything in between. How can Earbits offer free internet radio with no ads, no commercials, and no subscriptions, and still keep the lights on? The reason that Earbits can offer commercial free internet radio without subscription fees is because our "advertisers" aren't your normal radio sponsors. We never got into this to use our bands' music to sell cars and fast food, which is why you won't find those sponsors on our site. Join thousands of people who are already discovering free music on Earbits. Install Earbits for Chrome now! (Similar to: Pandora, Last.fm, Spotify, Rdio, Rhapsody, MOG, NPR, YOUZEEK, Turntable.fm, iTunes, iHeartRadio, Songza, 8tracks) You'll love us if you're looking for: free music, commercial free radio, music apps, radio apps, independent music, music discovery, block ads and commercials, free songs on radio, and more.http://goo.gl/ox8GQ4
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