Disco Dog is the world's first smartphone controlled LED dog vest. It displays a variety of animated patterns and custom scrolling text in thousands of colors. You can choose an animation or type in a message using our Disco Dog application on your smartphone. It's a fun way to celebrate your dog, and also keeps her visible and safe when it's dark out. If your dog runs too far away and the connection is lost, the vest will show an automatic "LOST DOG" message, asking bystanders to help the lost pup find her way back.
Disco Dogは、世界初の愛犬用LEDベストです。 スマートフォンアプリ経由で様々なアニメーションを表示したり、文字を表示したり、色を変えたりと、さまざまな操作が可能です。 楽しい! ということはもちろんですが、Disco Dogは愛犬の安全を考えて開発されています。 暗い場所で光るベストは夜道を散歩するときに車や自転車に注意を促します。さらに、もしワンちゃんが遠くに行きすぎてスマホとの接続が切れてしまった場合は、自動的に「LOST DOG」(迷い犬)のメッセージが表示されます。
This Kickstarter Project supports the first production run of the Disco Dog LED vest. We'll create a limited collection of 80 vests, many of which will be available to our backers. The remaining vests will be demonstrated to the public at our pop-up Disco Dog launch event in NYC. We'll invite the local community, our VIP backers, and their dogs to experience the Disco Dog vest first hand and try it for themselves.
We're still in beta phase, iterating our physical design, improving the mobile app, and gauging public interest. We hope the support we receive through Kickstarter will help us quickly develop Disco Dog into a product that can be manufactured on a larger scale. If our dog-loving audience wants more Disco Dog, it's our aim to provide.
Multiple animated modes, including sparkle, stripes, firefly, and alarm
Scroll any custom text on the vest
"LOST DOG" mode automatically activates when dog goes out of range
Rechargeable battery
The Disco Dog mobile app makes it easy to control the LEDs from a distance. You can select animations or choose text mode and type in your message. There are also controls for brightness and color, including two-color gradients that flow across the vest. We'll continue to add fun and useful animations as we refine the application.
The application will be available for both iOS and Android devices.
Lost Dog Mode lets people know that your dog has run astray. When the dog runs too far away and the bluetooth connection is weakened or lost, the "Lost Dog" message is automatically displayed.
LOST DOGモードは、愛犬が道に迷った際に周囲の人にそれを伝える機能です。もしあなたの犬が遠くに離れてしまい、BlueToothの接続が失われた際は、 "Lost Dog"というメッセージが自動的に表示されます。
Disco Dog is made with 256 RGB LEDs, a microcontroller, and a bluetooth low energy chip. It's powered by a 3.7V lithium polymer battery.
The LED grid and electronics can easily be removed from the vest to allow for safe washing.
Sizing is based on measuring the length of your dog's back and the girth of her chest, measured just behind the front legs. The vest is adjustable, with velcro closures that let you change the fit.
Disco Dogは、256個のフルカラーRGB- LED、マイコン、BLE(BlueTooth Low Energy)チップで構成されており、3.7Vリチウムポリマー電池(再充電可能)から給電されます。
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