Songdrop - Free Music Player
Listen to music from YouTube, Soundcloud, Bandcamp and Vimeo all in one place for free! Find songs and add them to your mixes: you can create playlists with videos and songs, then share them with your friends.
* Listen to songs from YouTube with no interruptions
* Make mixes with YouTube videos AND Soundcloud streams
* Swipe to keep songs in your account
* Discover new music
* Share songs on Facebook
Featured on TechCrunch, Lifehacker and MusicWeek!
Listen to music from YouTube, Soundcloud, Bandcamp and Vimeo all in one place for free! Find songs and add them to your mixes: you can create playlists with videos and songs, then share them with your friends.
* Listen to songs from YouTube with no interruptions
* Make mixes with YouTube videos AND Soundcloud streams
* Swipe to keep songs in your account
* Discover new music
* Share songs on Facebook
Featured on TechCrunch, Lifehacker and MusicWeek!
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