ave the habit of writing diary daily? Looking for a simple, easy to use and secured diary app?
Here you go, the Diary fulfills it all.
Diary is a simple application which lets you write daily thoughts/ideas/memories with a simple user interface. Add a visual touch to your memories attaching a photo.
The auto-save feature saves your entries as you type with out the hassle of another save button.
Swipe through the pages for quick navigation between dates. Tap on the date to pick a date and write there.
Searching through your entries is faster than ever using the search button.
Whats more, you can even lock the diary with a password.
New with Version 3.0:
Supports both light and dark themes.
Minor bug fixes.
New with Version 2.0:
The app lets you take pictures from camera directly.
The diary has now a collection of fonts so that you can choose any and make your own.
The app uses system's predictive abilities while typing.

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